Panama Fertility

Using Donor Eggs and Sperm

Using Donor Eggs and Sperm

A successful pregnancy brings an everlasting smile to all our patients’ faces. That is a humbling experience; it is all worth it when our patients trust us with something so delicate and essential to their life. The route to a successful pregnancy is branched and consists of multiple ways. When one method is deemed incompatible, there may always be another. At Panama Fertility, we strive to evaluate efficiently and carefully map out all the possible plans, so conception becomes likelier than ever. We carefully consider your medical history and dive deep into it so we can suggest you your best shot at achieving pregnancy. One of these many treatments is through a donor egg or the usage of donor sperm. We understand the value of individualized care based on the foundations of your fertility history.

Egg Donation, Donor Egg, and Donor Sperm

Egg donation is simply the process when a fertile woman donates her eggs to an infertile woman to help her achieve pregnancy through treatment. Donor eggs provide the means for infertile women to achieve pregnancy by transferring the donor’s eggs into the recipient’s uterus. This process of transferring can be carried out using In-vitro Fertilization. Donor sperm, on the other hand, is valuable when the male partner has infertility or other abnormalities that prevent the female partner from conception. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) could be the ideal treatment in this case, where sperm from a donor is inserted into the female partner in hopes of successful fertilization during ovulation.

The Ideal Treatment

Considering your age and medical history, your doctors might have advised that utilizing donor sperm or eggs would increase your chances of becoming pregnant. At Panama Fertility, we prioritize personalized care and developing a treatment strategy that considers your particular fertility history. Suppose you choose to use donor sperm or eggs. In that case, we provide counseling to donor and recipient couples or single women to ensure everyone is happy with the choice before moving forward.

For recipient couples it may your best option if you’ve experienced ovarian failure or are a woman over 40 with a poor ovarian reserve. If there is the risk of a genetic family condition that could be passed on to a kid using the mother’s eggs, some women also select this course of action. At Panama Fertility, all of our egg donors are anonymous. You can select from our extensive bank of egg donors aged 21 to 31. In our egg bank, we have donors from various ethnic origins who have completed rigorous tests to become donors.

Screening of Egg Donors

We understand that you would want the ideal egg donor for yourself. Our extensive egg reserves result from various donations from all suitable walks of life. Our fertility specialists will present you with a wide range of choices. This way, you can sort out the preferences for your ideal egg donor. Every donor in our egg bank is subjected to genetic testing to look for any congenital and hereditary illnesses. They go through a psychological evaluation and meet with our psychologist for counseling sessions to ensure they are entirely aware of the repercussions of egg donation. The receiver can view photos of the donors in our database and select a donor whose physical attributes, including eye color, skin tone, hair color, and height, most closely match their own. Additionally, you will discover the donor’s level of education and whether they are parents. Our testing all abides by FDA regulations.

Using Donor Sperm

Using a sperm donor may be the best option for pregnancy if the male partner is not producing any sperm or has sperm that is of inferior quality. Here, donor sperm comes in a good alternative for women who are single as well. Using donor sperm is a straightforward process that can be carried out through IUI or IVF, depending on the reproductive history of the female partner. Once more, both parties receive counseling to comprehend the implications of using donor sperm entirely. Moreover, genetic and infectious illness screening is carried out for sperm donors.

Coordinating Your Cycle

In the beginning, your ability to carry the baby to term would be determined by an extensive evaluation of your uterus. You and our IVF Coordinator would then select the donor. Subsequently, our IVF Coordinator would communicate with you and the donor. To prepare the donor’s ovaries for egg retrieval, we would also place the donor on medication.

The donor’s egg retrieval would be scheduled, and at this point, we would also require your partner’s sperm to fertilize the egg. After fertilizing the embryo in our lab, we will schedule the recipient embryo transfer. Once the embryo transfer is complete, you may return home to take a pregnancy test 14 days after embryo transfer. Together we will wait for a positive result! In terms of cost, an IVF cycle with donor eggs is $7500 (USD) plus medication costs for you, these can vary, but for your budget, you can allocate between $300-$500 (USD). The beauty of treatment at Panama Fertility is that with our extensive database of donors, we have no waiting list and are ready to begin your treatment cycle as soon as you are!


Deciding to use donor eggs or sperm is a life-changing decision due to the potential results of achieving pregnancy. We at Panama Fertility understand that. Hence, we will be there every step to guide you through the process and take you one step closer to having a healthy baby in your arms.

I hope this blog was of aid to you in terms of grasping the concept of egg and sperm donors! For more helpful information, subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you need counsel, do not hesitate to contact and schedule a free consultation call anytime!
Picture of Dr. Mario Vega C.
Dr. Mario Vega C.

El Dr. Mario Vega Croker se graduó entre los mejores de su escuela de medicina antes de llegar a Nueva York. Cursa la especialidad de Ginecología y Obstetricia en hospitales afiliados a la Universidad de Columbia y el Mount Sinai Medical School donde fue nombrado Jefe Administrativo de los residentes de Ginecología y Obstetricia. A la vez, es galardonado por sus habilidades quirúrgicas mínimamente invasivas con el “Special Resident in Minimally Invasive Gynecology” del American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) y con el “Resident Achievement Award” de The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS).