Shared Motherhood

It's increasingly common to see couples of two moms raising children together. And now it is possible to achieve shared motherhood in which both women are part of the process, with advanced fertility techniques that increase the chances of conception. 

Fertility treatments for you

At Panama Fertility, we offer different types of assisted reproduction treatments that help women achieve shared motherhood.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Donor Sperm

IVF is an advanced assisted reproduction technology that involves the combination of eggs and donor sperm in a laboratory environment and their subsequent transfer to the uterus. IVF can be a highly effective fertility treatment for couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally. Learn more+

Ovulation Induction

Reciprocal IVF / ROPA Method

The Reciprocal IVF or ROPA Method allows both partners to participate actively in the process. One partner undergoes ovarian stimulation and IVF and the embryo is transfered to the other partner, carrying the pregnancy. One will be the genetic mother and the other the birthing mother. Learn more+


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) with Donor Sperm

IUI consists of placing the donor sperm directly into the woman's uterus during ovulation. This procedure helps to increase the chances of fertilization and pregnancy by avoiding possible obstacles that may prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. Learn more+

donnor eggs and sperm

Donor Eggs with Donor Sperm

This fertility treatment involves the use of anonymous donated eggs and sperm to create embryos in a laboratory. These embryos are then transferred to the recipient's uterus, where they can implant and grow into a healthy baby. The process involves three stages: donor selection, endometrial preparation, and embryo transfer. Learn more+


Our high success rates give proof of our experience helping single women, couples, and families to conceive. This is what our patients say about their experience at Panama Fertility.  Find testimonials from other couples in your situation and the techniques we use for patients like you.

Estados Unidos

Marybeth & Steve

Our journey had been a long one and unsuccessful trying to get pregnant. We decided to visit a fertility clinic near where we live, and it wasn't the experience we were looking for. I mentioned the idea of medical tourism and we found Panama Fertility. Some of the reasons we decided to choose Panama Fertility is the cost difference. We made a virtual appointment with the clinic, and we felt very comfortable with the doctor. He explained how the whole process could work, we could live in South Florida and just travel for the treatments. However we had been working from home, and decided to move to Panama. Loved the people, loved the country. And it's a much nicer lifestyle at a fraction of the price. Everybody in the clinic has been very friendly. And now we're looking forward to our success story.

Gabriela y José

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any doubts or questions about our fertility programs? Find answers to your questions in this section.

What are the fertility treatment options available for female couples?

Female couples have several fertility treatment options, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), reciprocal IVF (ROPA method), and the use of donor sperm or donor eggs. The specific treatment recommended will depend on individual circumstances and medical advice.

How does the ROPA method work, and who is it suitable for?

The ROPA method, also known as co-IVF or reciprocal IVF, is a fertility treatment option for female couples where one partner provides the eggs, and the other carries the pregnancy. The partner providing the eggs undergoes ovarian stimulation, retrieval, and fertilization using donor sperm. The resulting embryos are then transferred into the uterus of the partner who will carry the pregnancy.

What are the success rates of the ROPA method compared to other fertility treatments?

Success rates of the ROPA method can vary depending on various factors, including the age and health of the individuals involved, the quality of the eggs, and the expertise of the fertility clinic. Generally, the ROPA method has shown favorable success rates comparable to traditional IVF, but specific rates may vary. Your fertility specialist can provide more detailed information based on your unique circumstances.

What factors should female couples consider when choosing a fertility clinic for their treatment, including the ROPA method?

Female couples must consider a few key factors when selecting a fertility clinic. These may include the clinic's experience and expertise in assisting same-sex couples, familiarity with the ROPA method, success rates specific to female couples, availability of LGBTQ+-friendly services and staff, supportive and inclusive environment, and any additional services or resources they offer. Making an informed decision about the fertility clinic can greatly contribute to a positive and successful fertility treatment experience.

What are the emotional and psychological aspects of fertility treatment for female couples?

Fertility treatment can bring about a range of emotions for female couples, including excitement, hope, stress, and anxiety. Couples need open communication, seek emotional support from loved ones or support groups, and consider counseling services specializing in fertility-related concerns. Emotional well-being is a crucial aspect of the fertility journey.

Are there any specific considerations or challenges for female couples seeking fertility treatment?

Female couples may face unique considerations and challenges regarding fertility treatment. These can include deciding who will provide the following:

  • The eggs.
  • Choosing a sperm donor.
  • Navigating the legal and emotional aspects of building a family as a same-sex couple.

Working with a knowledgeable fertility specialist and seeking support from LGBTQ+ resources can help address these specific considerations.

Do you need more information?

Our team of fertility specialists are glad to answer all of your questions, and will review in detail your medical history to offer you personalized solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help you to achieve parenthood. .